15-year-old boy absconded from hospital by ambulance, DMO gave instructions for investigation

In Kerala's Trishul, a 15-year-old boy fled with an ambulance parked in the Trishul General Hospital premises, after which he chased 108 ambulances for about 8 kilometres in the city.

15-year-old boy absconded from hospital by ambulance, DMO gave instructions for investigation

A strange case has come to light from Thrissur General Hospital in Kerala, where a 15-year-old boy admitted to the hospital escaped with an ambulance. According to media reports, this incident happened on Monday. The boy kept running in the city for about 8 kilometres with the ambulance. And when the ambulance stopped on the road near the railway gate in Ollur, the local people helped to start the ambulance by pushing. However, people got suspicious seeing the boy driving an ambulance, after which people informed the police.

By the time the police reached the spot, the driver of the ambulance and his friends tracked the vehicle through GPS and reached the spot. According to the information received, the boy drove the ambulance at a speed of 20 km/h to 30 km/h. It is a matter of relief that there was no accident during this period.

The police caught hold of the boy and first took him to the police station and then sent him back to the hospital along with the boy's parents. After this, the boy has been shifted from Thrissur General Hospital to Medical College Hospital.

District Medical Officer (DMO) Dr. Sridevi has sought a report from the Kerala Medical Services Corporation (KMSCL) about the incident. Along with this, he has also ordered an inquiry. Saravanan Arunachalam, state operations head of KMSCL Green Health Services, said he has instructed district program manager Kiran PS to investigate the circumstances that enabled the boy to escape from the hospital in an ambulance. Along with this, he told that a complaint has also been lodged with the Thrissur East Police.

According to media reports, a preliminary investigation has revealed the negligence of the ambulance driver. The driver of the ambulance had gone to the toilet without taking the keys. When he came back, the boy had run away with the ambulance. Driver Bijo George has been taken off duty for not following safety procedures while parking the ambulance.