Amidst the havoc of BF.7 in China, Japan, the cases of coronavirus in India increased in the last 24 hours

Coronavirus Update Today: In the investigation report of the last 24 hours of coronavirus, there has been an increase in new corona cases on December 25 as compared to Saturday. In the last 24 hours on December 25, 227 new cases of coronavirus have been reported in India.

Amidst the havoc of BF.7 in China, Japan, the cases of coronavirus in India increased in the last 24 hours

Coronavirus Updates In 91 countries including China, and Japan, the BF.7 variant of Coronavirus has wreaked havoc. Seeing this havoc of Omicron BF.7, the Government of India has prepared its administration. The Central Health Department is constantly monitoring the increasing cases of the corona. The Government of India has issued some guidelines regarding Coronavirus. In which the mask is said to be necessary. Meanwhile, in the investigation report of the last 24 hours of coronavirus released on the occasion of Christmas on Sunday, there has been an increase in new corona cases on December 25 as compared to Saturday. In the last 24 hours, 227 new cases of coronavirus have been reported in India. According to the Union Health Ministry, there has also been an increase in active cases. The number of active cases has increased to 3,424.

After the increase in corona cases, now there is a spurt in active cases as well. In the last 24 hours, an increase of 27 cases has been registered in active cases in the country.

On 24 December, 201 new cases of coronavirus infection have been registered in India. About 183 have returned home after suffering from corona infection. On Friday, 163 fresh Covid cases have been reported and nine Covid infected patients died. 185 new cases have been reported in India on Thursday. 20 December 112 new cases were reported in the country. 135 new cases were reported on 19 December, 176 new cases were found on 18 December, and 1,046 new cases were reported on 1 November.

By the way, five cases of Corona's new variant BF.7 were found in India. Variant BF.7 cases were found in Gujarat and Odisha. After this, the Government of India seems to be in a very alert mode. Samples of patients are being sent to labs for genome sequencing. Experts believe that there is no need to panic about Corona's new variant BF.7 in India.