Anti-aging drugs more effective on women than men

New research: British scientists studied male and female flies, these drugs slow down the development of age-related diseases in the stomach

Anti-aging drugs more effective on women than men

The effects of drugs on women and men differ to a great extent. The health-conscious young generation is taking anti-aging medicines in large quantities. How much effect they will have, also depends on the gender. This is the conclusion of new research by scientists from the Max Planck Institute for Biology of Aging in Cologne and University College London.

Researchers said in their report that anti-aging drugs have a better effect on women than men. For research, scientists used male and female flies. Anti-aging drugs were tested on them in a favourable environment. According to the researchers' report 'Nature Aging', the drug only increases the life span of female flies, not male flies. The best anti-aging drug, rapamycin, slowed the development of age-related diseases only in the stomachs of female flies. No such change was observed in male flies. Rapamycin is a cell growth inhibitor and immune modulator. It is commonly used after cancer therapy and organ transplant.

Yu-Juan Lu, the lead author of the research, says that biological sex is an important factor in the effectiveness of anti-aging drugs. According to the report, the life expectancy of women is much higher than that of men. However, women also often suffer from age-related diseases and adverse drug reactions.

The researchers found that rapamycin increased autophagy (disposal of cell waste from the intestine) in female intestinal cells. This increases age. Male intestinal cells already have high basal autophagy activity, which cannot be further increased by rapamycin.