Pakistan: Death toll in Peshawar mosque blast reaches 70, search for dead body still continues  

Pakistan Peshawar Mosque Blast: The death toll in the suicide attack on January 30 in Peshawar, Pakistan, has risen to 70. About 150 people are said to be injured in this attack. A large part of the mosque had collapsed in the blast. The search for the dead body from whose debris is still going on.

Pakistan: Death toll in Peshawar mosque blast reaches 70, search for dead body still continues          

The death toll in the terrorist attack in Pakistan's Peshawar yesterday i.e. on January 30 has increased to 70. More than 150 were injured in the terrorist attack during prayers at a mosque in the Police Line area of Peshawar. Many of whom are in critical condition. A large part of the mosque had collapsed in this attack. In whose debris many people were buried. The search for the dead body from the debris is still going on. Most of the people who lost their lives in the attack on Peshawar's Police Line Mosque are police personnel. Banned terrorist organization Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) has claimed responsibility for the attack. Peshawar's mosque blast is said to be the biggest terrorist attack in Pakistan in the last 11 months. After this blast, high alert has been issued all over Pakistan.

A suicide attack took place at the mosque located in Peshawar's Police Line on Monday, January 30, during afternoon prayers. According to media reports, the attacker who was sitting among 550 worshipers blew himself up. The explosion was very fast. Its sound was heard up to two kilometres away. After the blast, the situation worsened to such an extent that there was a crisis of blood for the treatment of the injured.

A large part of the mosque collapsed after the blast. In whose debris many people are feared to be buried. Relief-rescue work has been started as soon as the information about the blast came to the fore. According to the report of Pakistan's famous Dawn News about the incident, the blast took place around 1.40 pm, when prayers were being offered at the mosque located in the Police Line area of the city.

According to a spokesperson for the Lady Reading Hospital (LRC), more than 150 injured people were brought to the hospital, some of them in critical condition. The spokesperson said the area has been completely cordoned off and only ambulances are being allowed to enter, Dawn News reported. After the blast, the army surrounded the area. There is also an army unit's office close to it. The investigation is on how the terrorists managed to enter despite being in the police line area.

According to the information received from the local people, the Pakistani media house informed that there was a suicide attack in the mosque located in the police line of Peshawar. The attacker was sitting among the worshippers. It is said that the attacker who was sitting among about 550 worshipers blew himself up. Last year in March 2022, the Islamic State carried out a similar attack on a Shia mosque in Peshawar, in which 60 people died.