Decision on hijab controversy will come today, 10 days debate in Supreme Court

After a hearing that lasted for 10 days, the Supreme Court had reserved its verdict regarding the Karnataka Hijab controversy, whose verdict will be pronounced today. After hearing the sides of both the Muslim and the government regarding this dispute, today the Supreme Court will give the 'Supreme' verdict.

Decision on hijab controversy will come today, 10 days debate in Supreme Court

The Supreme Court has reserved its verdict on 22 September last month on the petitions challenging the decisions of the Karnataka High Court on the Hijab controversy. During the 10-day hearing, in this case, a bench of Justice Hemant Gupta and Justice Sudhanshu Dhulia heard the arguments of the Karnataka government and the Muslim side, after which the Supreme Court decision will come today. After the decision of the Supreme Court, it will be decided whether the decision given by the Karnataka High Court regarding the ban on hijab is correct or not.

Earlier, the Karnataka High Court had dismissed the petitions demanding the wearing of hijab in educational institutions, after which the matter has come to the Supreme Court. A petition was also filed in the Supreme Court to postpone the hearing on the hijab dispute, in which the court also reprimanded the petitioner.

In January this year, the hijab controversy started in Udupi, Karnataka, where Muslim girls were prevented from wearing hijab to a government college. At the same time, the management of the school had also told it against the Uniform Code, after which this dispute first spread in Karnataka and gradually spread throughout the country.

Hearing the hijab controversy in the Karnataka High Court, a three-judge bench headed by Chief Justice Ritu Raj Awasthi has observed that the Quran does not make it mandatory for Muslim women to wear hijab. Wearing a hijab is not a part of Islamic tradition. It is necessary to follow the dress in school, so the students can't resist it. It does not need to be protected under Article 25 of the Constitution, following which the Karnataka High Court dismissed all petitions seeking the wearing of the hijab.

Controversy continues in Iran regarding the hijab, which was also mentioned in the Supreme Court of India. Presenting the argument on behalf of the government, Solicitor General Tushar Mehta said on the ongoing controversy regarding hijab in Iran that wearing hijab is not a mandatory tradition in Islam, against which there is a fight going on in many countries. Actually wearing hijab has been made mandatory in Iran, which people are opposing.