Elon Musk said a big thing about Twitter's financial condition!

Twitter's Financial Condition: Twitter's financial condition has seen a significant decline ever since Elon Musk bought Twitter. But recently Allen has said a big thing about Twitter's financial condition.

Elon Musk said a big thing about Twitter's financial condition!

At present, Elon Musk, the second richest man in the world, bought the social media platform Twitter only last year. Twitter is one of the most used social media platforms in the world. Allen spent a whopping $44 billion on Twitter's takeover. Since then, Allen has taken many major decisions about Twitter, including decisions related to both the company and the social media platform. Although seen financially, Allen has not benefited since buying Twitter. Even the financial condition of the company had come to a standstill. Now recently Allen has said a big thing about the financial condition of Twitter.

Alan recently attended a conference. In this conference, Allen also talked about Twitter's financial condition. Allen told that Twitter's financial condition is improving. Not only this, but Allen also said that positive cash flow can also be seen in Twitter in the second quarter of this year.

Allen also explained the reason for the improvement in Twitter's financial condition at this conference. Allen told that due to the big cuts made for cost-cutting in Twitter in the last few months, there has been an improvement in the financial condition of Twitter.

Significantly, since Allen's purchase of Twitter, several thousand workers have been fired from the company on a large scale. Allen is also criticized a lot for this.