More than half of Pakistan submerged in floods; Declared national emergency

Pakistan, already facing an economic crisis, is now battered by floods. Pakistan has once again appealed for international aid as the floods ravaged the country. Displaced people are searching for higher, dry ground. The National Disaster Management Authority says that 119 people died in the last 24 hours. With this, the death toll due to monsoon rains has gone up to 1,033. Pak says the US, UK, UAE and others have contributed to the disaster appeal, but more money is needed.

More than half of Pakistan submerged in floods; Declared national emergency

The already crippling Pakistani government has declared the devastating floods that have engulfed nearly the entire country a "national emergency" as nearly 1,000 people have died and more than 30 million are "severely affected". . Monsoon rains are still continuing in this South Asian country. According to the National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA), at least 1100 people have been killed, including 343 children, since mid-June.

Pakistan, engulfed by the natural calamity of floods, has appealed to the United Nations, the international community and foreign Pakistanis for help in rescue, relief and rehabilitation. President Dr. Arif Alvi has appealed to the international community, including the United Nations and the overseas Pakistanis, to help the flood victims.

Dr. Alvi said in a statement that Pakistanis who have contributed significantly in the past through philanthropy will once again come forward and contribute generously in cash and kindness to support the rescue and relief efforts of the government and other relevant organizations.

These days, Pakistan, which has given a ruckus to fighting a war in talks with India, is in a bad condition these days. These days the citizens there are facing the brunt of the terrible floods. Hundreds of people have so far lost their lives due to floods and have not been displaced due to floods. Hundreds of thousands of people are still trapped in floods in different parts of Pakistan. Pakistan has so far proved unsuccessful in saving the lives of its people trapped in the floods.

Pakistan, which has been battered by floods across the country, has now appealed for international assistance. According to a Pakistan Interior Ministry official, the US, UK, UAE and others have contributed to the monsoon disaster appeal, but more funds are needed. Salman Sufi said more than 1,000 people have been killed and millions displaced since June. He said that the government of Pakistan is doing everything possible to help the people. According to the BBC, thousands of people fled their homes due to fresh floods in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province in northwest Pakistan. Sindh province in the country's southeast has also been badly affected, with thousands displaced from their homes.

Pakistan has lost its sweat in handling the situation arising out of the floods. These days Pakistani people trapped in floods are fascinated by grain. The government is not able to help them. On the contrary, global warming is being blamed for this situation. Pakistan Prime Minister Shahbaz Sharif said that 33 million people have been affected by the floods. This is about 15 percent of the country's population. He said the damage caused by floods this season can be compared to the 2010-11 floods, which are the worst on record. Pakistan has blamed climate change for this. While poor local government planning has also been cited by officials as a factor that has exacerbated flooding in the past, buildings are often built in areas prone to seasonal flooding.

The Pakistani people are disappointed with the lack of help from their government. Many people have died in this despair. Flood victims who have been displaced by themselves are facing a huge food crisis. They are not getting any government help. In such a situation, he is cursing his government. But no one is coming forward to help them. Unable to cope with the floods and the situation arising out of them, Pakistan has now sought help from the international fraternity. In particular, there has been a demand for military and financial assistance. While seeking help from the world, Pakistan has said in the manner of pleading that its economic condition has become dilapidated. He now appeals for help from other countries to protect the people of his country.