Pakistan again stirs Kashmir rage in UNGA, pleads for talks with India in the name of restoration of peace

Prime Minister Shahbaz Sharif on Friday said that Pakistan is keen to maintain peace with all its neighbouring countries, including India. Addressing the 77th United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) in New York, the premier said that Pakistan seeks "long-term" peace with India which is possible only through an "equitable and permanent" solution to the Jammu and Kashmir problem. Pakistan Prime Minister Shahbaz Sharif while addressing the United Nations General Assembly said that he wants a peaceful solution with India on the Kashmir issue.

Pakistan again stirs Kashmir rage in UNGA, pleads for talks with India in the name of restoration of peace

The Pakistani Prime Minister, who has become famous worldwide as a country that harbours terrorists, said at the United Nations on Friday that we want peace with all our neighbours, including India. Pakistan's Prime Minister Shahbaz Sharif, who is included in FATF's gray list of G-7 countries, addressed the United Nations General Assembly for the first time on Friday. During this, Sharif has once again raised the rage of Kashmir, reiterating the old attitude of Pakistan. Keeping the troubles and troubles within Pakistan, Shahbaz Sharif has remembered Kashmir. Referring to Kashmir, an integral part of India, Shahbaz Sharif appealed for a just and permanent solution.

Shehbaz Sharif said I think now the time has come for India to understand the message that both countries are connected to each other. War is not an option, only peaceful dialogue can resolve the issues so that the world becomes more peaceful in times to come.

"India must take credible steps to create an enabling environment for constructive engagement," the PM said, "reversing its illegal steps of 15 August 2019 and demonstrating its sincerity and willingness to walk the path of peace and dialogue", and at the same time, the process of demographic change must come to an end." The Prime Minister said that Kashmiris are facing non-judicial killings, imprisonment, custodial torture and death at the hands of Indian forces. He continued to say that India wanted to turn Kashmir - a Muslim-majority region - into a Hindu-majority region.

Hoping that the world body and UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres would play their part in urging India to implement the UN resolutions, PM Shahbaz said that Pakistan will stand by the Kashmiris till their self-determination. The authority is not fully realized in accordance with the relevant UN Security Council resolution.

Pakistani PM said, since 1947 we have fought 3 wars and as a result, only misery, poverty and unemployment have increased on both sides. Now it is up to us to resolve our differences, our problems and our issues through peaceful dialogue and discussion. India must take credible steps to create a conducive environment for creative engagement. We are neighbours and are forever, the choice is ours whether to live in peace or fight with each other.

During his address, Sharif said that New Delhi has increased its military deployment in Jammu and Kashmir. Since then it has become the most militarized region in the world. The Pakistani people have always stood with the Kashmiris in complete solidarity and will continue to support them. "I have assured the world forum that we in Pakistan stand by our commitment to peace in South Asia," he said. India must take appropriate steps to create an enabling environment for creative engagement.

Let us tell you that India has been repeatedly saying to the whole world including Pakistan that Jammu and Kashmir are an integral part of India and will continue to be so. As far as Pakistan's relations are concerned, New Delhi has given the message many times that it wants neighbourly relations in an environment free from terror, enmity, and fear. But Pakistan is that it has been continuously giving shelter to terrorists here. Since the abrogation of Article 370 from Kashmir, the relations between the two countries have completely ended.