Pervez Musharraf's India connection! Know everything about the dictator of Pakistan

Pervez Musharraf Death: Former President of Pakistan Pervez Musharraf was born on August 11, 1943 in Daryaganj, Delhi. After the partition of India, his family settled in Karachi.

Pervez Musharraf's India connection! Know everything about the dictator of Pakistan

Former Pakistan Army Chief and President Pervez Musharraf died on Sunday after a prolonged illness. He breathed his last at the age of 79. Was admitted to a hospital in Dubai for the last few days. Musharraf was suffering from amyloidosis disease. Most of his organs were not working. Former military dictator General Pervez Musharraf ruled Pakistan from 1999 to 2008. Let's know everything from India's connection to Pakistani dictator Pervez Musharraf.

Born on August 11, 1943, in Daryaganj, New Delhi, Musharraf's India connection remained very deep. During the partition of 1947, his family decided to move to Pakistan. Earlier, his entire family lived in the capital of the country, Delhi. His mother studied at Aligarh Muslim University (AMU).

Begum Zareen Musharraf, the mother of Pakistan's former President Musharraf, had a great attachment to India. She used to remember her past days. Because no one can forget their college days. Even in the year 2005, when her mother visited India, she also visited Lucknow, Delhi and Aligarh Muslim University. He remembered his old days. Zareen used to study here in 1940.

Four years after Musharraf's birth, his family decided to settle in Pakistan. Musharraf's family was quite prosperous in India before the partition. His father was a big officer under British rule. His family had a large Kothi in Old Delhi. Now many families live in this mansion-like house of theirs in Old Delhi.

After the partition of India, Musharraf's family moved to Karachi. Later he became the President of Pakistan and Chief of Army Staff. In the year 1999, by overthrowing the democratic government of Nawaz Sharif, he took the command of Pakistan into his hands. He was the President of Pakistan from 20 June 2001 to 18 August 2008.

Musharraf, based in Old Delhi, has now become very old and weak. However, looking at that luxurious house, it can still be guessed that Musharraf belonged to a well-known family in Old Delhi in those days. Now eight families live in that mansion house. On the first day of his visit to India in 2001, Musharraf visited the house in Old Delhi where he had spent his childhood.

Musharraf has given many deep wounds in India. He came into the limelight during the Kargil war between India and Pakistan from April to June-1999. During that time Musharraf was the army chief of Pakistan. While being the army chief, he gave many such wounds to India. They can never be forgotten. Former Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee took relations to a new dimension by improving relations with Pakistan, but his initiative could not be sustained for long. Musharraf did not support Atal Bihari and retreated.