Senior Citizen Savings Scheme will now get more interest

The Modi government has given a New Year's gift to investors investing in small savings schemes. The Central Government has increased the interest rates on NSC, Post Office Term Deposits Senior Citizen Savings Scheme. PPF interest rates have not changed.

Senior Citizen Savings Scheme will now get more interest

Bidding farewell to the year 2022, the Modi government at the Center has given a wonderful gift for the new year 2023 to investors investing in small savings schemes. After this gift of the Modi government, a wave of happiness ran through the faces of all the investors. The Modi government has increased the interest rates on National Savings Certificate, Post Office Fixed Deposits and Senior Citizen Savings Scheme from January 1, 2023. But PPF investors will have to face disappointment. The central government has not made any changes in the interest rates of PPF.

The Central Government made a big announcement on Friday (December 30, 2022). The central government has announced an increase in interest rates on National Savings Certificates, Post Office Fixed Deposits, and Senior Citizens Savings Scheme from January 1.

National Savings Certificate will get interested at the rate of 7 percent from January 1, while it is currently 6.8 percent. At present, 7.6 percent interest is received on Senior Citizen Savings Scheme, on which interest will be given at the rate of 8 percent. Interest rates on post office term deposit schemes for a period of 1 to 5 years will increase by 1.1 percent. The monthly income scheme will also get interest from 6.7 percent to 7.1 percent.

But the Central Government has not changed the interest rates on Public Provident Fund and Girl Child Savings Scheme Sukanya Samriddhi. So those who have invested in PPF and Girl Child Savings Scheme Sukanya Samriddhi will be disappointed. At present, 7.1 percent interest is available on PPF and 7.6 percent on Girl Savings Scheme Sukanya Samriddhi.