US citizen imprisoned for 19 years in Saudi Arabia jail released

US Citizen Released From Saudi Arabia Prison: A US citizen has recently been released from jail in Saudi Arabia. This man was sentenced to 19 years in prison in Saudi Arabia.

US citizen imprisoned for 19 years in Saudi Arabia jail released

Many people have heard about the miracle, but very few have seen it. But recently a miracle happened with a citizen of America. Saad Ibrahim Almadi, a 72-year-old US citizen originally from Saudi Arabia, was arrested in Saudi Arabia in 2021. Along with this, Saad was also sentenced to 16 years in jail in October last year, which was increased to 19 years last month. But suddenly something happened today, which even Saad would not have expected. Saad's son is calling it a miracle. 

Saad has been released from jail in Saudi Arabia today. Saad's son Ibrahim has given this information. For Ibrahim, this is no less than a miracle and he is saying that he cannot believe it. Ibrahim told that his father is at present in his house in Riyadh and was released about 6 hours ago.

Ibrahim said that his father Saad had tweeted against Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman. Saad made these tweets in protest against the ongoing war in Yemen and the murder of American journalist Jamal Khashoggi in 2018 on the orders of Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman. For this reason, Saad was arrested. Ibrahim pointed out that there was nothing objectionable in those tweets, yet his father was arrested and sentenced.

Saad cannot currently leave Saudi Arabia and come to America. The reason for this is the ban imposed on him to leave the country. In this regard, Ibrahim has said that he will soon try to bring his father back to America for treatment.