5 magnitude earthquake jolts Nicobar Islands, no loss of life or property

Nicobar Islands Earthquake According to the National Center for Seismology, earthquake tremors were felt in the Nicobar Islands at 5.7 am on Monday morning.

5 magnitude earthquake jolts Nicobar Islands, no loss of life or property

The earth suddenly shook on Monday morning in the Nicobar Islands of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands. Tremors of 5.0 magnitude earthquake have been felt in Nicobar Islands. According to the National Center for Seismology, tremors were felt in the Nicobar Islands at 5.7 am on Monday morning. Its intensity was measured at 5.0 on the Richter scale. As per the information so far, there has been no confirmation of any loss of life or property due to the earthquake. The Richter scale is used to measure how dangerous an earthquake is. In 1935, American geologist Charles F. Richter built an instrument to measure the velocity of seismic waves rising on the surface of the Earth, through which seismic waves can be converted into data. It was named the Richter scale. The Richter scale usually works according to the logarithm. According to this, a whole number is expressed in 10 times its original meaning. 10 on the Richter scale represents the maximum velocity.
The main reason for the occurrence of earthquakes is the collision of plates inside the earth. There are seven plates inside the earth. It keeps on rotating continuously. When these plates collide at some point, a fault line zone is formed there and the corners of the surface are folded. Due to the bending of the corner of the surface, pressure is created there. And the plates start breaking. Due to the breaking of these plates, the earth shakes. And we call it earthquake.

An earthquake with a magnitude of less than 2.0 on the Richter scale is called a micro category. It would be surprising to know that, on the Richter scale, 8,000 earthquakes of micro category are recorded daily across the world. Earthquakes with a magnitude of 2.0 to 2.9 are kept in the minor category. Very light category earthquakes are of 3.0 to 3.9 magnitude. Light category earthquakes are 4.0 to 4.9 magnitude.