China's Eye On Taiwan's $ 786 Billion Industry, Dragon Trying To Control

China is furious over the visit of US Parliament Speaker Nancy Pelosi to Taiwan. For the first time in 25 years, such a big American politician has reached Taiwan. Against this, Beijing even threatened military action.

China's Eye On Taiwan's $ 786 Billion Industry, Dragon Trying To Control

China is furious over the visit of US Parliament Speaker Nancy Pelosi to Taiwan. For the first time in 25 years, such a big American politician has reached Taiwan. Against this, Beijing even threatened military action. Actually, America wants to stop China's monopoly attempt through Taiwan. Beijing is trying to get hold of capable Taiwanese industries. Know here, why Taiwan is so important for both...

Where is Taiwan and why is there a fight with China
Taiwan is the name of a small island located in the middle of the southeast sea of ​​China. The distance from China there is about 160 km. Its population is 23 million. The conflict between the two dates back to the civil war in 1949. Taiwan was then separated from China, but Beijing wants to annex it as its own province. At the same time, Taiwan has declared itself an independent country.

Why America longs for support
In 1954-55 and 1958, when China bombed some islands under Taiwan's control, the US intervened. Then in 1995–96, China began missile tests at sea around Taiwan, the largest US force deployed in the region since the Vietnam War. Actually, America has been supporting the One China policy since 1970. Under this, Taiwan is part of Chinese territory.

America has also been an advocate of its freedom and democracy. Along with this, it has also been providing military equipment by making informal relations with it. By doing this, he wants to keep the balance of power against China, due to which China is making threats. US President Joe Biden has clearly said that if China attacks Taiwan, he will protect it.

Knowing the importance of the Corona period
The Taiwanese economy is of great importance to the world. From phones, laptops, and gaming to big electronic devices are made there. Semiconductors used in vehicles and equipment are produced, which were lacking during the Corona period, then the pace of the auto sector around the world had come to a standstill.

Taiwanese Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC) controls more than half of the world's market, and Apple, Qualcomm, and Nvidia are major buyers. Taiwan produces goods and services worth $786 billion. Of this $100 billion is contributed by the chip industry alone. This is the reason that this small country is the center of attraction for everyone. Because of its economic and geopolitical importance, Taiwan's closeness to the US stings China.