US President Joe Biden Said - America Is Committed To A Free, Stable And Secure Indo-Pacific Region

US President Joe Biden said that America is committed to a free, open, stable, and secure Indo-Pacific region. Speaking at a conference of a dozen Pacific island nations in Washington on Thursday, Biden said that much of history would be written in the strategically important region in the years to come. Such a discussion was organized for the first time to keep the Indo-Pacific region safe and protect it from the growing threat of China. Addressing the conference, Biden said that today we are facing a serious security situation in the Pacific and the Pacific Ocean.

US President Joe Biden Said - America Is Committed To A Free, Stable And Secure Indo-Pacific Region
US President Joe Biden Said - America Is Committed To A Free, Stable And Secure Indo-Pacific Region

US President Joe Biden said that America is committed to a free, open, stable, and secure Indo-Pacific region. Speaking at a conference of a dozen Pacific island nations in Washington on Thursday, Biden said that much of history would be written in the strategically important region in the years to come.

Such a discussion was organized for the first time to keep the Indo-Pacific region safe and protect it from the growing threat of China.

Addressing the conference, Biden said that today we are facing a serious security situation in the Pacific and the Pacific Ocean. The security of America and the world depends on you and the security of the Pacific, he said. The purpose of this conference is also to make a commitment to each other to deal with the threat of climate change.

many countries involved
The heads of state of Fiji, Solomon Islands, Papua New Guinea, Tavalu, Palau, Samoa, Tonga, Polynesia, Marshall Islands, and New Caledonia attended the conference. He said that Kovid and Ukraine are committed to rebuilding the economy derailed by the war.

Biden announced that his administration would also take a number of important diplomatic steps.

Will recognize New Zealand as a sovereign state
"I am proud to announce that, after due consultation, we will recognize the Cook Islands and New Zealand as sovereign states," he said. “We currently have about USD 375 million going to be built in climate programs in this region,” he added.

The Biden administration believes that the Pacific Islands – an 'oceanic continent' that covers about 15 percent of the Earth's surface – are an important sub-region of the Indo-Pacific.

According to the White House, the summit reflects America's broad and deep cooperation on key issues such as climate change, pandemic and economic recovery, maritime security, environmental protection, and advancing a free and open Indo-Pacific.