Wildlife: Nahargarh Biological Park Wildlife cemetery for three years

Bad news has come again from Nahargarh Biological Park. Young male panther Shiva, who was living in the rescue center here, died under suspicious circumstances on Sunday morning. The death of two panthers including a white tiger in just 23 days in the biological park is raising questions about the department.

Wildlife: Nahargarh Biological Park Wildlife cemetery for three years

Bad news has come again from Nahargarh Biological Park. Young male panther Shiva, who was living in the rescue center here, died under suspicious circumstances on Sunday morning. The death of two panthers including a white tiger in just 23 days in the biological park is raising questions about the department. It is surprising that Chaudhary, Forest and Environment Minister has not visited Nahargarh Biological Park even once. Thirteen-month-old male panther Shiva was brought here on June 23 last year from the Raisar range. The weight of the cub, which was separated from the mother, was only 500 grams at that time. For that special milk powder was ordered from America through a firm from Delhi.

On Sunday morning, the care tyer of the park found him lying unconscious. On information, the wildlife doctor, DFO, ACF, and Ranger reached and investigated by then he had died. After the post-mortem at 2 pm, samples of his organs have been sent to the forensic lab and IVRI lab in Bareilly for examination.

Nahargarh Biological Park has remained a wildlife cemetery for three years. Here five tigers, five lions and two panthers have died in suspicious conditions. Forest and Environment Minister Hemaram Choudhary are completely unaware in this regard. Even ten hours after the incident, he was not aware of the death of Panther Shiva. When asked by the magazine correspondent, Minister Chaudhary said that I talk to the officials. There should be an inquiry and those responsible for the death should also be fixed.

Dr. Arvind Mathur, a wildlife doctor working in the Nahargarh Biological Park, says that the death of Shiva was prima facie due to snakebite because the blood from the mouth and the tongue were blue. Here, sources say that the panther was ill and had skipped food for three days.